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Healthy Eating at Edinburgh WayPublished 26th September 2018

This Summer, we created a poll to ask our parents, “Do you need support to provide your child with healthy meals at home?” Respondents showed a keen interest in this area so we hosted a cooking morning, alongside our dedicated cook Gail, to support parents in preparing their children’s favourite nursery meals. We had a […]

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The Little Farmers learning all about our environmentPublished 26th September 2018

The Little Farmers at The Gables have been learning all about our environment and the importance of recycling. We have discussed the benefits of recycling and we even had a go at sorting some plastic and paper items into the appropriate bins. The Little Farmers demonstrated care and concern for their environment as they went […]

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Perfumes & Potions fun at The GablesPublished 5th July 2018

The older children at The Gables have been getting very creative by inventing new perfumes & potions in their mud kitchen! They added different smelling herbs from their sensory garden, glitter and spices then mixed, mashed and whisked their mixtures together. This helps the children with their physical development, fine and gross motor skills, by […]

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Enjoying the Sunshine at Hargate AvePublished 4th July 2018

All the children have been enjoying the lovely sunshine and found fun ways to cool down this week including lolly licking! They had a ‘beach party’ week, wore their favourite swimming costumes, and had fun paddling in their pools and running around outside near the water sprinkler. As the children’s topics this week was ‘Holidays’ […]

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