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Bury College Nursery Newsletter image

Bury College Nursery Newsletter May to JunePublished 30th April 2019

To view the latest newsletter for The Bury College nursery please go to Read Full Story and then CLICK HERE

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Bury College Nursery Newsletter image

Bury College Nursery Newsletter March to AprilPublished 6th March 2019

To view the latest newsletter for The Bury College nursery please go to Read Full Story and then CLICK HERE

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Bury College Bear News image

Bury College Newsletter November to DecemberPublished 26th October 2018

To view the latest newsletter for Bury College nursery please go to Read Full Story and then click HERE

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Sunflowers image

Growing Sunflowers at Bury CollegePublished 26th September 2018

Children across the setting have been exploring the concept of ‘growing’. We planted sunflower seeds in our garden and have been observing their growth as they develop from a small seed into tall sunflowers. Some of the children commented that they were the biggest flowers they had ever seen! The children told us that the […]

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