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Sandbrook Park Children are getting ‘Green Fingered’Published 30th April 2018

The children at Sandbrook Park have got the gardening bug!  By redeveloping their outside space, both staff and children have introduced lots of new plants. The nursery recently had some 10ft bamboo plants delivered.  WOW how tall will these grow then! The children love this new area which has enhanced imaginative play outside and provided […]

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Spring has Sprung at The GablesPublished 27th April 2018

Spring is in the air and the weather is getting warmer! The children at The Gables nursery have been busy helping staff enhance their outdoor area. The nursery staff added a greenhouse and plants.  The children were a great help and even made a car to put the seeds in! They planted onions, lettuces and […]

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Easter Holidays alreadyPublished 9th April 2018

If you are in need of childcare over the Easter holidays perhaps we can help? Please go to our Holiday Club, Read Full Story and click HERE which will show  you how to download the form to book a place. For more information please call Paula on 0161 653 1996 Happy Easter everyone!  

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Hindu New Year – Happy Holi!Published 5th March 2018

Hindus around the world celebrate the arrival of Spring in a very colorful way.  The primary activity involves the splashing of both powder dyes and coloured water on one another, and the children will no doubt be joining in on the celebrations as they love to learn new cultures. ‘Holi’ or ‘Phagwa’ is celebrated on […]

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